Friday, November 27, 2015

I am the only good one in here.

The thing bad people are good at, is imagining how good, bad people are.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Immigrant problem in Europe

There is a problem, there is no arguing against it, visible by the raise in popularity of the clearly nazi influenced parties in Europe.

I have came up with a solution no one talks about:

The recent wave of immigrants is from the countries where U.S.A. recently have installed or still installing "Democracy", such as Irak, Syria, Libya. Where we now as a consequence of that U.S. involvement have Islamic State and thousands of people forced to leave their home.

The solution is obvious, sending big cruising ships with immigrants, directly from the shores of Greece, Italy, Spain to United States . They made the mess, they should help well... helping.

Check this out: Dozens Of Countries Take In More Immigrants Per Capita Than The U.S.

U.S. helping people whose misery they are at least indirectly but in many cases directly responsible for would be fair, both for the people that are in need of help, and for the Europe crumbling under pressure from consequences of U.S. misstakes.


Friday, June 12, 2015

Airplane prayer.

Belief of faith have always a reason for it, sometimes tradition but often and maybe in some cases caused by tradition, the reasons are despair, helplessness, illness, aimlessness e.t.c.

The same way even most rigid atheist will appeal to higher powers in a falling airplane, there are many religious people in prisons, poor neighbourhoods and other dire conditions.

Whenever you loose control in your life, belief and faith start creeping in, less you are able to change the situation, more you believe it the higher powers controlling your life.

Faith is not necessary belief in Almighty good god, it can come in many forms, one can believe in almighty state(s) that will eventually sort it all out for them, usually combined with a strong leader without whom everything will be lost, and as such states usually don't fare very well, the faith in the leader is paradoxically increased, because there are problems, but he will take them to the bright future.

Feeling the age and decreased physical abilities one might start strongly believing in different kinds of food therapies, and diets.

But faith comes in many forms, and instead of trying to reach for the good, one might have faith in the devil, that is intentionally is making life difficult for you.

This devil can,  beside the classical variety, can also be expressed in different ways, it might once again be the state, but usually a foreign one, and today usually it is the USA, which represents all the reason for your problems.

This completes the state faith, your state has big problems because of USA, you believe and support your great leader yo stand up to that, and are prepared to live in bad conditions for that cause, the great leader for some reason, despite all his greatness is able to build new tanks, but not feed the people, therefore the living conditions and ability to change anything decrease, and faith in the leader increases.

Other negative personalities popular in modern religions are illuminate, Bilderberg group or any other group you pick as the reason for all your problems, as we have seen this group can be as large as a whole race of people.

Or obviously if you are on the dietary faith, everything you for some reason decide not to it is the enemy which is the cause for your health problems, most common is probably meat.

One can think of many more examples, but all of them has one thing in common, reach for the good, blame it on the bad. It is sometimes difficult to see the faith in the things people do, but whenever a person viciously defends or promotes one point of view, and is unwilling to hear any arguments against, that is a clear sign of faith.

Any person getting emotional, angry, irrational when talking about his faith clearly has issues in his life. Because otherwise talking about it would't be personal. Because faith by its nature is not personal, it's intellectual, you have a set of ideas which you hold true, and unless those ideas help or identify you on a personal level, any doubt expressed towards those ideas creates no friction, unless that criticism undermines your own personality that needs those ideas to function properly, i.e. sign of an issue.

Let say you are white, middle aged, highly educated, employed, man in good health, having lived an average life and maybe even having a steady relationship, you won't have any existential issues, life will be rather easy, for the most part there is no crisis, and you have no reason to pray, and will probably consider yourself atheist, or be interested in religions on a pure intellectual level, or more probably interested in philosophy.

This will be true as long as conditions for comfortable living are true, when the job is lost, belief in the all mighty illuminati ruling the world is strengthened, when the society falls apart, faith is placed in the state and the great leader, when you gain some weight and health become worse with age, 5-2 diet got to be the solution, and falling in an airplane one prays and hopes for the mortal soul and an afterlife and good god to take care of you.

But until that point, while the airplane is still flying, health is good, life is comfortable there is time to explore the world, try different things, ideas, confirm some, dismiss others, learn, teach.

Because praying in a falling plane makes sense, praying in an well functioning plane instead of flying it will make it fall.

In any case both planes will end up on the ground but the piloted ones will land while the the others will crash.

Not everyone get the chance to pilot their plane, some are forced to prepare for the crash from the birth, some are unable some are able but incapable and yet others are capable but unwilling. But those who succeed and land will take the humanity forward, and live on in the generations to come.


Faith is not the only way people handle the falling plane, alcohol and panic, inability to do anything ore some of the other things one can be occupied with.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Don't remember shit.

Remembering shit, bringing shit up later, whatever it might be is never a good idea.

It is like a horror movie you have seen when you were a kid, it was scary then but now it's not scary at all.

It's things you thought were profound but now are completely mundane.

Whatever it might be, is a part of you now, and bringing it up makes no sense for anyone else.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Память истории 9го мая!

Когда все кругом враги, а Украинцы и Белорусы вообще не народ, просто недоделанные Русские, и вообще Русские самая великая, древняя и мудрая нация. А во всех бедах и нищите народа как минимум 100 лет это всё Американцы, Британцы, Евреи, Пятая колонны, Либералы, Геи, Фашисты, Иностранные Агенты виноваты, не дают великому народу с колен встать.

Кругом враги, в том числе и Казахстан, и Китай, они просто пока нужные враги, да и Беларусь не спешит следовать крымскому примеру. А про Украину вообще говорит нечего, там за одну ночь вся страна превратилась в фашистскую хунту, и ничего что 80% кричащие ура Крым наш даже не могут обьяснить что это значит и собственно в чём этот фашизм заключается, кроме как великий вождь Путин сказал. А выдуманный фашизм в Украине пропорционален и на прямую вытекает из уровня нацизма в России.
Путин превратил Россию в нацистское государство.
Аншлюс уже просзошел,
Что дальше?!
Это самое грустное 9 мая которое я помню, потому что печально не только по тому что было, но и по тому что будет.

The happiness

Two things will affect your outlook on life in such a way that all other things will be of little consequence regarding how happy you are.

Happiness should not mistakenly be confused with bliss or other momentarily pleasant experiences in the same way love is not the same as sexual attraction.

Unexpectedly, the happiness is in your head, you might have heard this many times, that it's all about how you perceive the situation. Two different people can perceive a situation so that one will be happy or indifferent to it and the other very unhappy with it.

Hearing that it is all in your head doesn't help much though, by hearing it one don't just go - oh, all right, I will be happy about then. It doesn't work that way, because we can't change how we perceive things and change how we feel at will.

How we perceive things and feel about them is to big extent determined by your goals and motivations. There are no explicit goals or motivations that will make everyone happy, and that is good, this way there is multiplicity. They can however be internal or external to you.

Internal thing to you is what you decide, how you perceive yourself, how you want others to perceive you e.t.c. thing usually called ego. Though ego has received a lot of bad reputation recently it is't necessarily so. Unless you plan to live in a monastary somewhere in the east, you probably need it to survive.

External is as it sounds things outside you and your mind and ego.

Now we have a 2x2 grid, on one side, motivations and goals on the other internal and external. Those four combinations will determine how one perceive this world, what one achieves and how one feels about it.

Internal Motivation, Internal Goals: Internal motivation means that you motivate yourself, usually by wanting to achieve certain things, better grades, money, car, house, being better than someone e.t.c. this is usually what is said to the ego talking. Internal goals means that in the end though the thing your want to achieve is to improve yourself, be better then others, have more knowledge, money, better grades, more skills, be more religious e.t.c. This is what is often described when giving ego a bad reputation, because it is easy to see how such personality could be very egoistic and hurt himself and people around if not careful. This kind of people achieve extreme things when it comes to overcoming human limitation, but despite that, there is always room to improve, besides it becomes more difficult with age, and hence increasingly difficult to be happy.
(The wheel)

Internal Motivation, External Goals: External goals is to bring, change or improve something in/to this world. People with internal motivation can decide for themselves to be millioners or to save the forest, become an artist, or whatever their ego desire, and they damn well will get out there and do it, or die trying. This creates great sense of purpose and happiness for a while, but in the end regardless of whether the goal was achieved or not there comes a point where one inevitably thinks if all this effort was worth it, that in the end, whatever motivation your ego have dreamt up, doesn't necessarily make you happy.
(The stair)

External Motivation, Internal Goals:  External motivations is inspired by the world, people, ideas. Things around you, things you know, gives you desire to achieve. Internal goals, that is something for yourself. Examples can be people going on different events, festivals, lectures, learning how to do things, exploring the world around but focusing mainly on internal goals, i.e. self improvement often expressed in a form where people buy a lot of stuff they don't need. This is all good and well, but in the end it is often called shallow hedonism and is seldom associated with lasting happiness.
(The mule)

External Motivation, External Goals: You are motivated and inspired by the things around, the world stimulates and motivates you to take action and you do it to change, improve, bring new things into this world, and help others. Therefore motivation, i.e. purpose / meaning is never questioned, it is demanded not by you, but by the world, what can be greater? The things you do and improve, will last for generations beyond and maybe even help the humanity as a whole, which is a great goal. Being on such path, everyday problems seem inconsequential, todays problems doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things. Sure things are tough, but it's beautiful outside, I think I'll go and paint a picture. There is happiness to be found all around.
(The path)

Happiness is like fingers, it's nice to have them, but you don't really think bout it, you are busy doing things with them, but if you miss some, you think about it.

Now, I am not sure that changing ones motivation or goal is any easier that any other stupid advice about happiness being in your head, but my intuitive guess that it is. People change all the time, what they like, are motivated by e.t.c. maybe by focusing in a certain direction it is possible to be motivated by, to do the thing, which will make everyone happy.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Всё можно!

Можно обходить блокировку когда блоги запрещают, можно скачать в интернете запрещенные  фильмы, книги, музыку, можно критиковать на кухне, можно не доверять властям и уж если совсем достало то можно и уехать, в страну где можно всё.