People try to earn more money, which usually implies more work, they say more money bring more pleasure. And there are theories saying that if everyone follow that principle, namely to maximize personal pleasure then everyone will be better of. All this leads to pursuit of pleasure, people are trying to maximize their it by earning more money, that is working harder, but people are not machines and more we work the more we must rest to be able to keep it up.
Lets take an animal for example, a lion, it hunts to eat, and it rests to be able to hunt again later. Naturally if a lion had to run around half a day in order to find something to eat it will get tiered and need more time to rest, it is just a natural cycle for survival.
People do exactly the same thing, but we don't hunt anymore, instead one might work in an office and instead of passive rest to get some strength back one might engage in something more active like go to the gym, to get the mind of the work.
People try to find some activities they like to do such as dancing, painting, working out, playing games, while all those are good ways to have some fun and get the mind of the work it is still a necessity in order not to get mad or commit suicide from all the work.
What I am trying to say is that all that work and pleasure are just simple means of survival, not unlike any other animals. Is there anything we do that is something else then basic survival?
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