Thus far something very important has been overlooked, namely that the life itself is not guaranteed. Thus far all perspectives has been from a living persons point of view, taking care of an apartment, working and resting, e.t.c.
Reason for that is that it is hard to consider oneself dead, and hence every person make one assumption whenever that person reason about something, assumption that he/she and everyone around are alive.
The point is, if you ask people to imagine that they have lost everything majority will imagine themselves sitting alone in an empty apartment, which is a good indication of what people think is so important that they can't even imagine to loose it.
That might be true for many, but I wonder how many would imagine themselves dead? Probably not so many, I know I didn't.
When religious people ask atheists
What do you live for if there is no god?atheists often reply that they live for the life itself because it is wonderful enough, but I wonder if those people imagine themselves dead when asked to imagine that they have lost everything? If not then the life obviously not the reason for them to live but what they are afraid to loose is.
The question then becomes why do people assume that they will always be alive no matter how far ahead they plan or reason and why no one things about loosing it until it is too late? Can it be because we don't know death, we can't imagine what we don't know anything about? Can it be because we consider that loosing those other things are worse? I don't know.
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