Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Nothing in this life worth having comes easy!

Sounds wise at first, but that is true only if one assumes that things worth having are those that do not come naturally or are not possessed by the majority.

Therefore people work hard do get successful, famous and among all things possess things majority don't have, expensive phones, computers, cars, houses, watches, cloths and even spirituality or enlightenment i.e. "I am more enlightened than you" e.t.c.

To put it simply, things are hard because you suck at it. There are of course some hard things one inevitably must do in life there is no escaping that, but if you stop chaining your tail for a while you will realize that the amount of hard work required is only determined by your desires.

Not to desire is of course impossible, even Dalai Lama desires a free Tibet and I would guess plenty of other things as well,  and it would also be a rather dull life would one to succeed in not to desire, but simply giving your desires an extra thought, what those desires are and why they are is more than majority of people do. Some might be brought upon you by a clever commercial, some by your parent, some by your peers e.t.c.

In the global sense though, if you are tone deaf you will require plenty of hard work to become a mediocre musician. Therefore, if you lack math skills you will need enormous amount of work to become a mathematician.

No amount of polishing will make a rock into a mirror.

Therefore the best one can do is to discover ones talent as early as possible, usually manifests in things you enjoy and find interesting, they don't necessary need to be easy, they can be challenging but will not be hard work and in that sense will come easy.

Anything which comes easy is worth having, why would't it be? Because it might be easy for someone else as well? First of all that doesn't diminish the value of what you have, and also if you want to be so unique, find something which is easy for you, but hard work for others, and you will probably make a fortune in the process, while enjoying your life doing it.

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