Tuesday, January 19, 2010

About past, into slow season.

It has been a year since I started this blog. This year was surpassingly active. To be honest when I started this blog a year ago I had ideas for about two posts and couple of topics from the past, but as time went I got new ideas that i wrote down, at time I had a list of topics to write about, and I tried to find time to write them.

Overall I am happy with what happened during this time, the only thing that would make me happier would be more feedback, because as you have noticed this blog contains ideas in rather raw format, written rather fast to convey the idea, nothing is final and perhaps might even be wrong, and if you think it is, comment, why you think so.

Unfortunately I sense slow season ahead, there are some things going on in real life that I will have to attend to, but also I have no ideas lying around waiting to be written down but instead I will write as it comes, and who knows how long time it will take now when I have more to do then ever.

Hence I welcome all into 2010 and wish you all new thoughts and see you again when I get one.

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