Monday, December 2, 2013

The meaning of life,

is what your do, from one moment to the next moment.

Because after all, sum of all those moments is what will be your life in the end. Whatever your life means in the end is the meaning of it.

Hence every moment of your life, you are creating the meaning (it will in the end have), knowingly or not.

Though not knowing it, you risk in the end discover that the meaning of your life was not very good one.

Therefore it is better to discover it early on.

If you now don't move your life towards the meaning you want it to have, you are drifting like a leaf in a river, you might end up in a good place, you might not.

If you don't know where every moment of your life is taking you, then there is no thing more important than trying to find out, where your want to end up in the end.


как колесо для белки.

Если некуда идти, нет выхода, то бежать на месте в колесе может создать иллюзию движения и даже счастья и спасения.

А садиться добровольно, или еще хуже, сажать тех у кого еще все пути открыты в колесо очевидно вредно.